Modifying and APK File

Decompile, modify, recompile and re-sign an APK file.


I have an .apk file and I wish to view/edit the following contents:

  • Resources such as strings.xml or other drawables
  • App configurations such as AndroidManifest.xml
  • Other SDK configurations
  • Source code such as Java classes


  • MacOS
  • Android Studio Electric Eel
  • Java 11


Download the following tools:


Step 1: Decompile apk file

$ apktool d -f -o <apk-decompile-folder> <apk-file>
# -s: keep classes.dex, default will convert dex file to smali code
# -f: force rewrite
# -o: output path

How to view the source code?

  • Add the -s option to keep the classes.dex code.

  • Convert dex file to jar file.

# convert dex to jar
$ <dex-file> -o <jar-file>
  • Open the JD-JUI and drag the converted jar file to JD-JUI to view the source code

How to edit the source code?

  • The easiest way is to replace the smali code.

    • Create a Java class with the same name you want to replace
    • Build the Java class into a smali code (Create a hello world project, integrate the java class, then build it into an apk)
    • Replace it in the apk decompiled folder
  • If you are familiar with smali grammar, you can edit the smali code directly.

Step 2: Recompile apk file

$ apktool b -f <apk-decompile-folder>

The recompiled apk file will be located at: <apk-decompile-folder>/dist/

Step3: Sign apk file

I'm using the debug keystore file generate by Android Studio to sign the apk file (you can use you own keystore file)


apksigner="$(ls -d ${build_tools}/* | tail -n 1)/apksigner"
$apksigner sign\
--ks ${key_store_path} \
--ks-key-alias ${key_store_alias} \
--ks-pass pass:${key_store_password}\
--in  ${apk_source_path} \
--out ${apk_output_path}

apksigner is located in ~/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/<version-number>/, if you have multiple versions of the build tool, simply use the latest one.

For more usage about apksigner see apksigneropen in new window.

Step 4: Verify apk file

$apksigner verify <apk-file>



  1. To install apktool
$ brew install apktool
  1. To install dex2jar
$ brew install dex2jar
  1. If opening jd-jui results in the following error:
Performing Streamed Install
adb: failed to install xxx.apk: Failure [-124: Failed parse during installPackageLI: Targeting R+ (version 30 and above) requires the resources.arsc of installed APKs to be stored uncompressed and aligned on a 4-byte boundary]

Try the following solution:

$ java -jar /Applications/
  1. Another way to view the java source code is to install jadxopen in new window
$ brew install jadx

Then open it:


  1. To unzip .jar file
jar xf file_name.jar
  1. To zip to .jar file
jar cf file_name.jar source_folder/