
Record some usages about Vim.

Platform: macOS

Vim has the following operation modes:

  • Normal for moving around a file and making edits
  • Insert for inserting text
  • Replace for replacing text
  • Visual (plain, line, or block) for selecting blocks for text
  • Command-line for running command

Keystrokes have different meanings in different operating modes. For example, the letter x in insert mode will just insert a literal character x, but in Normal mode, it will delete the character under the cursor, and in Visual mode, it will delete the selection.


Command mode can be entered by typing : in Normal mode.

  • :q quit (close window)
  • :w save
  • :wq save and quit
  • :ls show open buffers
  • :help {topic} open help
    • :help :w opens help for the :w command
    • :help w opens help for the w movement


  • Basic movement:
    • h (move left)
      • {number}h move cursor to left {number} steps
    • l (move right)
      • {number}l move cursor to right {number} steps
    • j (move down line)
      • {number}j move cursor to down {number} lines
    • k (move up line)
      • {number}k move cursor to up {number} lines
  • Words
    • w (jump to next word)
      • {number}w move cursor to next {number} words
    • b (jump to beginning of word)
    • e (jump to end of word)
  • Lines
    • 0 (jump to the begin of the line)
    • ^ (jumpt to first non-blank character)
    • & (jump to end of the line)
  • Screen
    • H (jump to top of the screen)
    • M (jump to middle of the screen)
    • L (jump to the bottom of the scree)
  • Scroll
    • Ctrl+u (scroll up)
    • Ctrl+d (scroll down)
  • File
    • gg (jump to the begin of the file)
    • G (jump to the end of the file)


Visual model:

  • Visual: v
  • Visual Line: V
  • Visual Block: Ctrl-V

Can use movement keys to make selection.


  • i enter Insert mode

    • o insert line below
    • O insert line above
  • x delete character (equal to dl)

  • u to undo

  • Ctrl+r to redo

  • Copy (must in Normal model)

    • yy to copy entire line
    • {number}yy to copy up {number} lines (include current line)
    • yaw to copy a word with it's trailing whitespace
    • yiw to copy a word without its trailing withspace
    • y$ to copy everying right of the cursor to the end of the line
    • y^ to copy everying left of the cursor to the start of the line
  • Past

    • p to paste
  • Delete

    • d {motion} delete {motion}

      • dw delete word
      • d& delete to the end of the line
      • d0 delete to the beginning of the line
      • {number}dd delete the following {number} lines (e.g 3dd will delete the following 3 lines include the current line)
      • dl delete the current selected charcter
    • Delete multiple lines

    Deleting multiple lines on a specific pattern is as follows:


    The global command ( g ) tells the delete command ( d ) to delete all lines containing the <pattern> .

    use the exclamation mark ! to delete the lines not matching the pattern:


    • :g/foo/d - Delete all lines containing the stirng foo.

    • :g!/foo/d - Delete all lines not containing the string foo.

    • :g/^\s*$/d - Remove all blank lines. Remove the blank lines that have zero or more whitespace characters (\s*).

Insert mode

  • i insert before the cursor
  • a insert after the cursor
  • I insert at the beginning of the line
  • A insert at the end of the line

The basic steps to perform a search in Vim are as follows:

  • Type / (to search backward) or ? (to search forward) to start search

  • Type the search pattern

  • Press Enter to persorm search

  • Press n to find the next occurrence or N to find the previous occurrence.

To ignore the case sensitive, append the \c at the search pattern.

To browse the search history ,type / or ? and use the arrow up/down keys to search history.


The substituteopen in new window command has the following syntax:


1. In a Single Line


This replace the <old> with <new> in the current line.

2. All Occurrence


This replace the <old> with <new> in the every line of the file.

3. Case-Insensitive


We can perform case-insensitive search by adding the i option at the end.

4. With Specific Lines

The basic syntax:

:start_line_number, end_line_number s/<old>/<new>g

For example:

:2, 3 s/hello//gi

The above command will replace hello (case-insensitive) with empty string between 2 to 3 lines.


1. How to insert a string insert- before each line?

The original file test has the following content:

The steps are as follows:

  • Type vim test at your command line
  • Type Ctrl+v to enter Visual block mode
  • Type G to jumpt the first character at the end of the file
  • Type I to enter the insert mode
  • Type insert-
  • Type ESC to exit the Visual block mode

How to insert a string -insert after each line?

The original file test has the following content:

The steps are as follows:

  • Type vim test at your command line
  • Type Ctrl+v to enter Visual block mode
  • Type G to jumpt the first character at the end of the file
  • Type $ to select all the content
  • Type A to enter the insert mode (insert at the end)
  • Type -insert
  • Type ESC to exit the Visual block mode


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